INFRA HOLDING Signs Contract for Construction of System for Analysis of Road Traffic along Highways and 1st Class Roads

INFRA HOLDING concluded a contract with Road Infrastructure Agency for the implementation of a project titled, Installation of a System for Automated Collection and Data Analysis of Road Traffic on Highways and First-Class Roads in the Territory of Republic of Bulgaria. The project contractor is Kontrax Infra Association, with counterparts Kontrax and the subsidiary of the holding Infra Roads Ltd.
Within the frames of the contract, a system of 100 counting points (automated devices registering the road traffic), 3 automatic devices for monitoring the meteorological conditions, a central server and software for adjustment of counters and for structuring, storage and analysis of information will be installed. It will provide a possibility for reporting the number, calculating the average speed and classification of the types of vehicles, travelling every day along the main road arteries of the country. The system will also provide current information about the meteorological situation along the roads – speed and direction of wind, existence of precipitations and their volume, temperature levels, humidity rate, etc.
The project is of a value of BGN 4,797,028.80, VAT included, and is implemented with European financing within Operational Programme on Transport 2007-2013. The term of implementation of the planned activities is 10 months.